Best male travel bloggers on Instagram.

Instagram is, without a doubt, the best social media platform for travellers. Not only can you quickly share pics of your trips to friends, family and followers (if you haven’t already, follow me over at @beccajtalbot.), but you can also get inspiration for where to travel next and what to visit when you’re there.

Take my recent holiday to Cyprus for example. On my fourth day in Paphos I decided to hire a car and head over to Protaras – the location of the best beach on the island (and also one of the best in Europe according to The Guardian), Fig Tree Bay. After a few hours of “sunbathe and chill”, my friend Emma and I took to Instagram to see what else was in the area that might be worth a visit. And there we found it, the most beautiful little church I’ve ever seen, built at the top of a cliff, surrounded by picturesque, panoramic views of the town.

Despite it only being a 10-minute walk away according to Google Maps, we spent a good hour or so climbing to the top of the cliff, taking photos and watching the sunset. It was the perfect ending to a lovely day – and to think we’d have missed it all if we hadn’t looked on Instagram.

Therefore, this post is dedicated to all travellers on Instagram. I’ve previously compiled a list of my favourite female travel bloggers on Instagram, so now let’s hear it for the boys…

1. expertvagabond.

Matt, aka @expertvagabond, is a full-time adventure travel blogger and photographer. One of the things I like about Matt’s blog,, is that it’s not just list after list of “tips for visiting INSERTPLACENAME” or “15 things you need to know before you visit INSERTPLACENAME”. His blog does have tips, yes, but it’s balanced out with entertaining stories and anecdotes, videos and amazing photography.

And recently his Instagram feed has been a little inundated with camel pics. What’s not to love?

2. pausethemoment.

Ryan from describes himself as a “location independent blogger, digital influencer and world traveler with a serious passion for the sun, the sea and adventure.” He used to work a 9-5 job, but quit it back in 2010 to take six months out travelling. Seven years later and he’s still going, causing extreme cases of wanderlust with his Instagram feed (@pausethemoment). When he’s not off exploring the planet, he bases himself in Playa del Carmen, Mexico (incidentally, where I’m heading next week).

After recently splitting with my boyfriend and moving back to the South, I’m toying with the idea of jumping on a plane and doing a Ryan, ie, not returning to the UK for a bit. I have no job at the moment anyway, but I’m not sure I could leave my cats for so long…

3. theworldorbust.

What’s better than a man who likes to travel and takes amazing pictures? A sexy man who likes to travel and takes amazing pictures, of course. The @theworldorbust Instagram account is manned by Jeremy, who blogs over at, covering everything from travel and tech to cars and fitness.

A digital nomad with a penchant for motorbikes, Jeremy’s Instagram feed is a mixture of colourful travel snaps interspersed with dramatic monochrome photos of cool looking motorcycles. Oh, and there’s this pic of his little white butt:

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#TGIF #MerryChristmas #Regalito

A post shared by Jeremy Albelda (@theworldorbust) on

4. backpackersteve.

After an exciting trip to Chile, Steve was bitten badly by the travel bug. So in 2012 he quit his well-paid 9 to 5 job, gave up his apartment in Hamburg and packed a rucksack to pursue his dream of travelling the world. He shares all his experiences on his website and makes me jealous with his Instagram feed (@backpackersteve).

Why do I like Steve? Unlike many other travel bloggers, honest Steve admits that travel blogging alone doesn’t earn enough to pay the bills, but enables him to cover some of the costs of his trips. To earn “real money” (his words) he is a freelance consultant and video producer.

His most recent trip was to Iran – a country which has been on my bucket list forever.

5. joetravelblogs.

Young Joe hasn’t been travelling for as long or to as many places as the veterans included in this list, but he’s got a decent website ( with lots of amazing photos of his trips to Bolivia, Peru and New Zealand.

On his @joetravelblogs Instagram feed, there’s a mix of wildlife and nature photos from here in the UK and further afield.

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A Lonely Cow in the middle of an English field 🐂☀

A post shared by Joe Travel Blogs (@joetravelblogs) on

6. travelfreak_.

Another travelling Jeremy makes the list, this time under the Instagram guise of @travelfreak_, blogging over at He’s a self-confessed adrenaline junkie and culture vulture who’s been travelling for seven years, flying around the world, jumping off bridges and climbing volcanoes.

He’s taught himself Mandarin Chinese (always handy to know a second language while travelling), he loves bagels and he takes amazing photos of street art. He’s definitely my kinda guy.

7. travel_with_massi.

The website is written by Marcel. Though the site is German, if you don’t “sprechen sie Deutsch” it’s not a problem – just hit the tab that says “travel” and browse through hundreds of beautiful, inspiring photos.

Alternatively, join the 67 thousand other people following him on Instagram over at @travel_with_massi. Warning, may evoke extreme feelings of jealousy and/or wanderlust.

8. traveldaveuk.

I like Dave from – he’s just a regular guy from the UK, taking amazing photos as he circumnavigates the globe.

Like me, he is a solo traveller, and also like me, he used to be a Scout (we’re too cool). Unlike others on this list, he didn’t quit a mundane 9 to 5 job in pursuit of happiness from travelling. Instead, aged just 15, he used all of his childhood savings to run away to Finland, to visiting a handful of friends he’d met on a summer Scout camp.

Obviously back then Instagram was just a figment of Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger’s imaginations, but now we’re lucky enough to see all of Dave’s travels on his @traveldaveuk feed.

9. hungrypartier.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you packed a bag and headed off on an epic adventure, eating and drinking your way around the world? Well, that’s exactly what Drew Binsky is doing right now, and it’s grown him a huge social media following of over 89,000, who have helped him to party in over 150 cities in 40 countries.

But it’s not all raves and booze. The Hungry Partier is a travel and lifestyle “website for millennials, providing nightlife guides, late-night eats and travel tips”. And Drew’s Instagram feed (@hungrypartier) is soberingly beautiful.

10. everythingeverywhere.

When it comes to travelling bloggers, Gary from @everythingeverywhere has an impressive résumé: So far he’s visited all seven continents, over 175 countries and territories around the world, all 50 US states and every US territory, every Canadian province, every Australian state and territory, over 125 US National Park Service Sites and over 300 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Blogging over at, Gary is one of the best and most serious photographers I’ve come across on Instagram. His pictures rack up thousands of likes, and there’s not a topless selfie to be seen.


So there we have it, 10 of my favourite male travel bloggers on Instagram. Do you know of any other cool accounts that I should follow? Drop me a comment below and I’ll check them out. And don’t forget to follow me on Instagram too; I’m off to Mexico next week, so they’ll be pics aplenty.

84 thoughts on “Best male travel bloggers on Instagram.

  1. How cool are these guys?! I found myself smiling and then laughing out loud as I read down your post. I can’t wait to follow each link and spend more time checking out their feeds. ps: I think my favorite is expertvagabond. The camel is awesome

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this! It’s so nice to see a list of men rather than women for a change, glad to have something new and different on my feed for a change – plus their photos are stunning! Thanks for putting this together.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So many things I want to say to this! First of I love Cyprus and especially Pafos. Secondly, yes instagram can help out a lot when you are traveling! And lastly, that’s some emmmm interesting photos of the male behind there, lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Paphos was a lovely place to visit – I really liked the food, especially the meze! Glad you also find Instagram helpful when travelling, and yep, there’s a cute little butt in this post 😛 x


  4. All of these Instagram feeds are amazing (I’ve had to follow a few!) I love following travel bloggers, apart from making me jealous, they give great ideas of places to go or things to do when you’re there.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is such an impressive list! I just reading your summary of each of these guys and really look forward to having a look through all their published photos. If the sample you have chosen is any indication at all, it will be a great feast for the eyes and have me booking my next trip…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love following travel bloggers and putting up travel pictures myself when we go away. IT’s my favourite kind of instagram post.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Haha, I love the pic with camel infront of the traffic sign!
    Looking at the pics I am mostly amazed by the long captions since this is something I myself am trying to work on but am not there yet. This is probably another reason (besides the great photos) why they are popular on Insta.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah I wondered about the captions too – they are soooooo long! I guess they get a lot of popular, relevant hashtags in there too, which helps! I love that camel pic so much x


  8. Oh, these are all so fascinating stories! It’s great to find new bloggers to follow, especially travel orientated ones. There are so many places to see and stories to hear!


    1. I think male travellers don’t get as “arty” as female travellers – but they still inspire me to travel to new places that I previously hadn’t considered x


  9. Those photos are AMAZING! I hadn’t thought about it before, but you’re right, Instagram IS the perfect SM platform for a travel blogger! Just seeing these beautiful pictures put a smile on my face and got my day off to a happy start, so thank you for the inspiring pic roundup (as well as the stories behind them)!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Wow, their photos are amazing. I’ve never done that before, when I go on vacation sometimes forget to take photos of holiday moments. These bloggers are very lucky to be able to make all the photo moments as they travel. Traveling is like a hobby nowadays, everyone needs traveling at this time.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I really enjoyed this post, as I don’t see as many male travel bloggers as I do women. Plus, apart from Steve’s naked bum, men are usually dressed lol! I’ll definitely be checking out these profiles, and following a few for sure. I’m a sucker for good landscape photos.

    Liked by 1 person

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